
Problems creating new output formats

I would like to download videos without any audio Keeping everything else original. Actually I'm not even fussy about the original format, I just want the audio gone. So I go to 'Output Formats' -> 'Add new format'. I select ''Computer' as the target device and 'No Audio' for the audio codec but when I save I get the error "Invalid Conversion Parameters Specified". So I figure it doesn't like that I've left the other fields blank so I fill them out but even then it still says their invalid. I tried many combos of options but no matter what I select I always get the same error. So: 

1) Can you tell me what I can put in here that will be accepted?

2) (Just a suggestion) Maybe tell the user why it's invalid.

Running v4.3.2124.0


1 reply


No replies? Is my question not clear enough? As mentioned, I am very flexible about the options on that page, I'm happy to put almost anything in any field, I just want the audio gone. I'm thinking this bug is caused by the blank audio fields (which are blank as I click the 'no audio' option), I think it may want me to put something in there.



Hi Paul,

We've released an update yesterday which should fix your issue.

Would you please update and let me know if it's better now?

Best Regards,

Diogo Alves @ VDownloader

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