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    Am unable to download videos

    Duke Ayim · 1 · Last reply by alm260

    when am downloading a video vdownloader says unable to obtain initial required information about this video

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    vdownloader4.exe - bad image

    diane · 1 · Last reply by diane

    C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCP120_CLR0400.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. Error status 0xc01c0018.


    ...occurs when launching program immediately after installing.


    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF\PresentationNative_v0400.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. Error status 0xc01c0018.  


    ....occurs when launching program via program folder


    windows 10, 64-bit, VDownloader 4.5.2902

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    The App Isnt Loading

    heeboss 2136 · 0 · Posted

    I looked at another report on this problem. I followed the instructions to download it again but there are many errors. 

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    Wrong quality and codec

    uᴉǝssnɥ · 0 · Posted

    VDownloader is great most of the time, but once in a while it saves in the wrong quality. A video that would usually be saved in 480p and with an H264 - MPEG-4 AVC codec has just saved in 360p with a Google/On2's VP8 Video (VP80) codec. I don't know much about codecs and things, I just want VDownloader to save videos in their original quality again. Thanks.

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    Steve Leber · 0 · Posted

    I cannot login to either my FB account, or my You Tube acct.

    I am asked to choose a login acct, then "ALLOW", then after a moment, I am back at the login screen.

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    vdownloader saves in the wrong quality

    sarah · 1 · Last reply by Eli Siegel

    I'm trying to download a video that is pretty high quality but says that the max quality is 360p however the quality of the video on youtube is 1080p. I screenshotted what this looks like here The video I'm trying to download is This has happened a couple times with different videos

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    Browser doesn't connect to Internet on mobile network

    Kubesq · 0 · Posted

    When on a mobile network, the browser says “Cannot open page. Internet appears to be offline". When on wifi there's no problem. There's no problem with the mobile network as it works on Safari browser. I'm using iphone x.  Please advise. 

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    Problems downloading from Dailymotion

    Stacymala1 · 1 · Last reply by Eli Siegel

    I've been using this program for almost a year now. Never had any issues with it. Then out of the blue this week, I can no longer download from Dailymotion. It's still allowing downloads from YouTube & Vimeo, just not from Dailymotion.

    Let me add that I'd already downloaded some of these videos previously but deleted them from my PC and now I'm trying to download again, so there can be no issue re video incompatibility

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    The current version of Vdownloader was not able to download this video on facebook:

    Afsj · 0 · Posted

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    VDownloader won't open

    William B. Miller · 2 · Last reply by Jan Hut

    I have been using the plus version for years. Used it all day today but it suddenly stopped working. I shut the program down by tapping the exit tab and went back to the icon to restart it but it doesn't reload. I still have a lot of files to convert today. Can you help?

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    This video is unavailable.

    RENAUD MAZOUE · 3 · Last reply by Tycho Nystrom


    I am trying to download a private video from YouTube ( and i received this message… Why ?

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    I have played the downloaded video a number of times suddenly the sound goes off not just on one but most of them it's ok at the start then it stops Why?

    Henrica1 · 2 · Last reply by Henrica1

    I have played the downloaded vloader video's a number of times no problem very happy now the sound suddenly stops not just on one video but nearly all of them Why?. 

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    Error in Big files download

    simon · 2 · Last reply by simon

    Hello I've been trying to download big files from youtube ( 1hours+) When ever I download a small file (10-50 mins) it works just fine, but as soon as I download a big file, it loads upto like 98-99% then just crashes and download fails, Please help. This has been persistant for a good time now, Tried tons of solutions, nothing worked up to now.

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    Unnamed downloads

    Jorgen · 3 · Last reply by Jorgen

    I have a problem where my downloads are sometimes assigned a random name like "tmpEc98" or something like that, rather than the actual file name from the website. This happens with the batch download feature. 

    A workaround I've found is to restart the application and try again, most of the time it works, but sometimes the problem is very persistent. 

    Unfortunately it seems like this is an issue that is very rare since I couldn't find any relevant information regarding this problem anywhere. 

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    Não consigo baixar playlist, já adquiri a versão plus e atualizei tudo!

    Raquel Lopes · 0 · Posted

    Não estou conseguindo baixar playlist do Youtube, eu copio a URL da playlist e colo no buscador principal (aba baixar) e não baixa a playlist, mas baixa somente 1 vídeo. Preciso de orientações urgentes, pois adquiri a versão paga só por esta funcionalidade.

    Não sei como baixar a playlist, preciso do passo a passo.  

    Estou utilizando a versão 4.5.2880.0

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    I upgraded to vdownloader plus. I tried to down load a Youtube video 31 minutes and I keep message "can not access closed files." What's wrong?

    Shirley · 0 · Posted

    I just upgraded to VDownloader plus. I tried to download a YouTube video 31 minutes and keep getting message "can not access a closed file." What do I need to do to get this video to download?

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    Não inclui a chave, opção 'Atualização para Vdownloader Plus' desabilitada

    Pelugabi · 1 · Last reply by Pelugabi

    A opção  'Atualização para Vdownloader Plus'  está desabilitada, como entrar com a chave?

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    Computer Locks when screensaver or monitor cuts off

    Stephen · 1 · Last reply by Stephen

    Only when vDownloader is downloading videos; does not matter what site it's pulling from.

    When vDownloader is actively downloading video and the monitor cuts off due to inactivity I find that the computer locks up.  I must physically power off and back on to regain video.  (The keyboard lights do not even turn as they normally would if the PC were working and the monitors off.)

    I have Windows 10 v1709 vDownloader 4.5.2902.0 My output format is mp4 with video codec MPEG-4 and audio AAC at 44100

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    Vdownloader not working

    Andre · 3 · Last reply by Andre

    I have downloaded a lot of vidoes/clips from Pornhub but all of a sudden it gives me the following message.

    "Unable to obtain required intial about this video"

    I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it but still not working.